It's Halloween eve and just wanted to send out an update ~ we had our party last saturday night and it was lots of fun (lots of work too, to get everything ready). Here's a picture of the apartment. We bought over 300 roses ~ Ecuador is one of the major exporters of roses and you can buy 25 for $2.00 - $2.50.
So, Chris hung up lots of white roses and then we had tons of red roses in vases all around. We also had a million candles and kept the lights off but you can't tell from the pictures because I had to use the flash. Luckily, it didn't rain because so much of our party space is on our three terraces, which were also covered with candles and the kind that you put in the brown bags with sand on the bottom.

Anyway, there were about 25 people here and some with some great costumes. There was even a bit of dancing to 80's music which always makes me happy.
We didn't get a picture of me in my costume but we had lots of packing materials from the move so I wrapped myself in the bubble wrap and I was 'fragile'.
Here's a picture of chris in his costume.....any guesses as to what he is? Just remember his history of dressing up as a squid, luna moth, lightening bug man, etc.

Then Chris' birthday was on sunday and we took it easy ~ cleaning and napping.
We're going to go out to dinner for his birthday this weekend and we actually have a four day weekend and we're staying in town. We're going to try to make it to the botanical gardens and hang around quito.
I have my last two evaluations by our principal for my student teaching tomorrow (Wed.) so wish me luck... I scheduled a massage for friday! Only $35 for 1 1/2 hours at the spa down the street ~ one of the many great things about ecuador.
We'll write more soon and hope everyone is doing great,

one other thing...this sentence:
I got the latex gloves from the sci department and we’ve already put them in the freezer
strikes me as hysterically funny when taken out of context.
We miss you guys.
Hey Happy Halloween!!
That's and awesome costume!! Very creative!! I love your apartment it so cool looking and alot bigger than I expected!! But it looks so homey!! And i can't believe you got that many roses for so little money, thats amazing!!
Glad to hear your party was a success!! I bet it was so much fun!!
Hope you had a great Birthday Uncle Chris!!
Miss you guys!!
Love ya!
A Golden Stonefly nymph?
Sharon- I would have eaten your corn muffins!
Chris- Are you a crayfish?
Your apartment is so nice!
We miss you... Lynda
Quinn's guess: Archeteuthis
Beck's guess: Dog
By the way, I've heard it's a grave insult to serve corn muffins at a party in Ecuador...
hi Chris and Sharon!
A shrimp? Cool!!!
Seems like u had a happy haloween!!
Thanksgiving is soon, We'll all miss you!:(
if you have any Finan Monthly info, please e-mail me!
I'll send you the next one as soon as it's printed!!
I can't wait to hear what you do for thanksgiving!!:)
hey guys--Thank you so much for your pics. Your appt is wonderful-so much nicer than i imagined. Great costume Chris. You have to be a lobster or a smaller guy-crayfish--can tell by tail. Where is Sharon's costume? So glad you had a geat party. Hope you had a Happy Birthday.
Love you Dad
i think it's a cheese stick.
thanks so much for the pictures and the info. it's amazing to get such a look into your life. glad to hear that everything is going so well for your guys.
toph, sorry to hear you are working so much.but you do nothing half way.
love you lots.
Hi Guys,
Well the Dems kicked some butt last night, hopefully they can effect some change. Sounds like your having some fun, the Richardson/Sacco clan is doing well. Sophia said the other day while running out to her swing set, " Yeah babe, I'm gonna Climb & Groove" She is awesome and Isabella is beginnig to giggle a lot. We had the Strommers over last night for a "Kick the Republicans out of office" party, you guys would have had fun.
Take care....
i see joy of cooking in your bookshelf. amen to that.
hey, have you guys heard the phrase china cochina? my ecaudorian friend calls everybody that.
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