Here's a picture of one of chris' birthday presents ~ it's a wall hanging from the crafts market of what else.. fish. It's actually kind of different than a lot of the stuff you see and it's really beautifully done.

I've decided it's time to start taking private spanish lessons ~ I have 'survival' spanish and can get by but I need to be able to speak a little more since basically no one in the neighborhood where we live speaks English at the stores, banks, taxis, etc. and it's such a great opportunity to learn.
I don't know if we mentioned this, but the largest park in Quito is behind our house and Chris and i go for walks there as often as we can ~ it's really magical. you walk up a huge hill to get in there and then you're in this eucalyptus tree filled park and the air is wonderful and smells so good ~ we'll post some pictures from the park soon. We've been looking for some cool fungus since it's been raining a bit but there aren't as many mushrooms as you would think in the woods.
We're thrilled to be here in ecuador and appreciate the beautiful views from our terrace each evening. It's really cool to watch the clouds come in and cover the mountains and even surround us since we're up so high.
here's a sample:

We'll post more soon and hope everyone is well and happy ~ and thanks again for all the comments posted .... oh, and T.J. was right ~ chris was a shrimp for halloween. I told him he should have carried around a jar of cocktail sauce so people would know what he was...
Hey there, been keeping up on your blog. The pictures are great! It sounds like you and Chris are having some wonderful experiences. I am still here in the 5B dayroom doing my thing!
Your home looks beautiful. What type of wood are your floors made of? They are very nice. We are getting ready to re-do some floors, so I am especially observant of nice hardwood.
Take care,
Hi guys!!!
Its so nice to hear from u!! And you are doing a reat job of keeping us updated!! I don't think I could do that, not with ur busy schedule! But we enjoy it so much!!
All of your pictures are absolutely amazing!! I love them!!So its been raining there too!! It rained here today and there was a pond at the bottom of our steps!! I don't know why I even bothered with an umbrella, I got soaked anyway!!
I love your fish wall hanging that you got, it reminds me of a book i had that was filled with those same kind of fish!! I love it!
Glad to hear you are enjoying yourselves!! We'll miss u at Thanksgiving!!
Love ya!
Hey Chris and Sharon!!
Nice hanging!!!
We're going to miss you so much at Thanksgiving!!!!
I have another Finan Monthly coming out!
E-mail me if you have any info.
We'll all be thinking of you at the cabin!
We miss you!
hey guys, glad to hear things have settled for you a little and that you have had a chance to relax. your pictures continue to be amazing. i love the butterfly and shrooms. sharon-good luck with the lessons, i hope they aren't too tough on you.
love you guys and we will toast you ob thankisgiving. though you will be terribly missed, you have so very much to be thankful for.
zach wants to know how school is going? and what you will be doing for thanksgiving.
johanna says i love you and i hope you are having a good time in equador.
the bauers
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