Saturday, May 17, 2008

Science marches on...

It seems like they've finally done it. I actually thought I might not see this in my lifetime. They've created a genetically modified human embryo. This means they have inserted a gene into the human genome of a growing embryo.

I didn't think it wouldn't happen - not because I didn't think they could do it - it's actually really easy to do. I just didn't think anyone would cross that line. Basically, this means they can insert genes and change genes at will. Want you kids to be taller? smarter? - have you ever seen the movie GATACA? Anyway, check it out.

Vegetarians will now face a new dilema - can they eat meat if it doesn't come from an animal? That's right - they can now grow meat "In Vitro." Meat without animals - YUM! Check out the wikibooks entry for the basics and the NY Times Blog article for the social and ecological implications.

The future is now...

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