and in much less exciting news .... hello everyone
sorry it's been so long - no good excuses - we've been busy with work and the minutia of everyday life, but hasn't everyone
on a first note, i had a wonderful trip home over spring break and my family (as always) was so wonderful and gererous and welcoming and i had such a great time with dad fishing (sooooo good and peaceful) - thanks, dad!
here are our beautiful kitties, getting bigger and staying very healthy - our 'come to our home' vet is going to take care of them at her house while we're gone and we're so happy about that - although we're not sure how we'll live without them for five weeks - and we're really hoping they don't forget us :(
and now that my hip is feeling mostly better we're going to try to summit...and we're quite scared but optimistic - we'll post some pictures whether we make it or not
this is Iliniza Norte
5,126m / 16,817ft

and jon has been sooooo kind as to send down a tripod and a remote, without which i couldn't have taken these photos (thanks, my friend - it has opened up new avenues of photoness) - double click to make BIGGER

I've also found some time among the chaos to get some painting done - as sharon said, "wow, you've really gone in different directions" - as always, it makes me happy (sorry 'bout the shadows)

sharon is doing wonderfully and has come very close to getting her second masters degree, this time in education - how many people have done that!
we're happy and can't wait to get home and see everyone - we'll be here in quito again next year and then we'll see where the world takes us - at this point we're thinking southeast asia, but we know how things change and we know we'll end up where we're supposed to be...
on a tangential note, i just want to thank uncle bob for his wonderful words of encouragement and support last time i was home - as always, he was terse and meaningful
we love you all and send peace and joy
chris and sharon
Hi Guys!!!
Wow!!! These pictures from your balcony are amazing!!! They are so beautiful! I can't imagine seeing that every day!! It was wonderful to see you over spring break too Uncle Chris!! I'm sad we couldn't see each other more, but I am looking forward to Dewees this summer! I love the new paintings!! they are awesome, and Aunt Sharon is definitely right its a new direction for you but I love it!! It's sooo cool! Congratulations to Sunt Sharon for almosy getting your second masters!! that is impressive! It's wonderful that you have found something that you really love!! I can't wait to see you in July!! Love ya!!
Miss ya lots!
your paintings are unreal, man! a departure into something wonderful. i love, love, love what you have done!
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