first stab at posting

Hola amigos y amigas ~ ya estamos!
Things are good and Quito is a city. We are well and the transition has been remarkably easy. The folks here are very kind and patient with us as we bumble our way through their language and their culture.
This picture is one of the views from the hotel we stayed at the first night here.
Academia Cotopaxi is the name of the school at which we work. It takes its namesake from a local volcano (Cotopaxi) which we can just see the top of on clear days.
Because of her brilliance, Sharon is well on her way to being a full fledged teacher. She has already been promoted to a "paraprofessional" and should be through with her student teaching by January. As you all well know - she's amazing.
We miss everyone at home but are truly excited to be here and feel this is an important step in our journey through this very short time on this Earth.
1 comment:
Hey this is really cool. Never "blogged" before. Let me know if this works! So excited to get the pictures and some details on your stay so far.
Love you,
Monica & Bill
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