As you may know, Chris and I have three terraces off of our apartment. One of the three we use all the time to sit on and look out at the city and the mountains (I'm sure you've seen the pictures in earlier entries). We have a lot of plants out there that chris has grown from seed and we recently bought a hummingbird feeder and a fuchsica plant (hummingbirds are really attracted to these flowers).

Well, we were ready to be patient but I think it took about 24 hours before we got our first guest....

and now we have about three regulars that come all day to drink from the feeder (and sometimes the plant) and chase each other around. They're even getting used to us being around, which is great because we get to see them up close.

This makes us very happy.
So nice to see the humming birds come so quickly. I just love those birds though we rarely get them to stick around.
Love checking things out, cant wait to see you guys!
Wish we could share some of chris's amazing fresh fruit drinks and enjoy the humming birds with you. They are lucky birds! We know you are enjoying every minute. Thanks for posting.See you soon!
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