this is just a quick report - not much new has happened - just the mundane stuff of daily life (which admittedly is probably a little unique living here in quito) - the first thing to note is that we have attached 3 albums of pictures to this blog - click on the "quito pic album 2" link to the right to see them - they're mixed up but still a nice melange of life here that we couldn't include in the blog (as always - remember that you can click on the pics in the blog to enlarge)

other than that it's the teaching and the teaching - i scooped up some tadpoles (guilli - guillis [pronounced gweegie-gweegie]) from a pond in the park with a sieve taped to a broomstick - sharon was impressed - and raised four to frogs so far - i just returned them to their pond of origin - it was satisfying - how i got by this far without doing this (as a bio teacher) i'll never know - when you feed them egg whites they attack them like little sharks - thrash, thrash

i also got some fish - for an experiment - do you see how they look at me - they never stop looking at me - do you see them looking at me? do you?

and we continue on with our lives -

and we never get tired of seeing the sky, the clouds and the mountains

it seems the rainy season has returned - although it should have been here all along - i really do believe global warming has been messing the stuff up hard, yo
we have also had the opportunity to watch Aland and Pat's beautiful dog Daka - check out this hot doggie! - he has the best personality ~ calm and soothing ~ it was a treat to have him around.

spring break is coming up and we're heading to Puerto Lopez, on the West coast of Ecuador. There's an island not too far away (2 hours by boat) that's called "Poor man's Galapagos." should be pretty cool - we'll be certain to take lots of pictures
i think that's all for now - we're really looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone! - we can almost taste the trees and the grass - sounds weird, but being away i really miss the smell of outside at home
peace and joy and love - chris and sharon